Common tag changes (over past thirty days, minimum changes is 10, not all users are suspected vandals)
User Level Account Age Change Count
Solandis-X Mem 2019-05-04 -commentary_request +commentary 70
SumeragiAkeiko Plt 2011-12-18 -falsche.shido +nekokyun 69
slappers87 Gld 2021-06-04 -double_penetration 37
NaPiersTooth Mem 2021-06-02 -raiden_mei_(aeterba_purum) +raiden_mei_(valkyrie_bladestrike) 37
Words Mem 2020-03-16 -amamiya_erena +amamiya_elena 36
Solandis-X Mem 2019-05-04 -commentary_request -translation_request +commentary +translated 35
NaPiersTooth Mem 2021-06-02 -rita_rossweisse_(icy_sea_spray) +rita_rossweisse_(phantom_iron) 21
NegativeSoul Gld 2014-06-05 -commentary_request 20
Swifft Plt 2009-09-29 -loli 19
Randy96 Mem 2009-10-05 -commentary_request +commentary 19
8975x Gld 2018-02-17 -commentary_request +commentary 17
projecta Mem 2014-06-06 -mogamicoji +mogami_kouji 16
SS_Append Gld 2015-06-26 -commentary_request +commentary 15
Cypher27 Plt 2012-03-17 -excalibur_(fate/stay_night) +caliburn_(fate) 15
gdx Gld 2019-08-31 -azumi_(ayame_(0419)) +thistle_(ayame_(0419)) 14
Samdaman Mem 2018-07-20 -pterodactyl +pteranodon 14
zdoger Mem 2021-03-07 -rating:q -parent:4400801 +rating:s 13
Lihakunkari Gld 2007-10-23 -sharp_teeth 13
Solandis-X Mem 2019-05-04 -translation_request +commentary +translated 13
ABABCABABCD Plt 2019-09-21 -highlights 13
Montero Mem 2021-06-11 -demon_girl 13
NaPiersTooth Mem 2021-06-02 -rita_rossweisse_(maid_of_celestia) +rita_rossweisse_(artemis) 12
8975x Gld 2018-02-17 -check_translation -translation_request +translated 12
ForgottenUmbrella Mem 2016-07-26 -commentary_request +commentary 11
Nichts Mem 2018-08-19 -official_art +nude_filter +third-party_edit 11
Ratsel Mem 2015-09-26 -2000s_(style) 10
NaPiersTooth Mem 2021-06-02 -rita_rossweisse_(vow_of_roses) +rita_rossweisse_(artemis) 10

Since 2021-05-28 07:14:34 UTC to 2021-06-27 07:14:34 UTC. Users are non-builder members who have fewer than 100 changes before the period. Only changes that removed a tag are counted.